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Big Kid Sleep

Ending the Never-Ending Bedtime Routine

Ending the Never-Ending Bedtime Routine Every parent of an older child knows how the bedtime routine can go from a quick 5-10 minute soothing sleep cue to a seemingly endless hour long saga of new nightly additions, one more book negotiations, and the long list of curtain calls. While every

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Sleep Routines

Bedtime Routines

Bedtime Routines I love bedtime routines! Mostly because I know it will end with my children in their own beds and ready for sleep – and I can finally have a bit of time to myself. 🙂 Also, it’s that time of day when everything the kids do seems extra

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Your Child’s Sleep Environment

Top 5 Healthy Sleep Tips for Babies, Toddlers, and Preschoolers

Ending the Never-Ending Bedtime Routine

The 1 Year Resurgence of Separation Anxiety

Practicing Independent Sleep with your Newborn

The End of Daylight Saving Time: Fall Back with Confidence

The Two to One Nap Transition

Why I Became a Sleep Consultant

Nightmares and Night Fears

Crib Climbing: Tips and Tricks

Transitioning to a Big Kid Bed

Too Early Risings

Creating Your Child’s Dark Sleep Environment

Newborn Sleep: 0-2 Months

Newborn Sleep: 2-4 Months

The Four Month Sleep Transition

Bedtime Routines

The No Nap Transition

Daycare and Your Child’s Sleep

Rolling and Your Baby’s Sleep

Your Baby’s Ideal Sleep Schedule: 5 Months Through 7-9 Months

Your Baby’s Ideal Sleep Schedule: 9 Months Through 15-18 Months

Your Child’s Ideal Sleep Schedule: 18 Months Through 3.5-5 Years

Gentle Sleep Training

Sibling Room Sharing and Sleep

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