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Sleep Environment

Your Child’s Sleep Environment

Your Child’s Sleep Environment Your child’s sleep environment is often the most overlooked aspect of facilitating healthy sleep. Most of us already know that the sleep environment should be conducive, but parents tend to underestimate just how helpful a few simple modifications can be in this one area. Let me

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Top 5 Sleep Tips

Top 5 Healthy Sleep Tips for Babies, Toddlers, and Preschoolers

Top 5 Healthy Sleep Tips for Babies, Toddlers, and Preschoolers When looking at your child’s sleep, it’s important to look at the big picture. There are a handful of elements that have a significant impact on your child’s ability to fall asleep, stay asleep, attain the deepest and most restorative

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Big Kid Sleep

Ending the Never-Ending Bedtime Routine

Ending the Never-Ending Bedtime Routine Every parent of an older child knows how the bedtime routine can go from a quick 5-10 minute soothing sleep cue to a seemingly endless hour long saga of new nightly additions, one more book negotiations, and the long list of curtain calls. While every

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Common Sleep Struggles

The 1 Year Resurgence of Separation Anxiety

The 1 Year Resurgence of Separation Anxiety This month, my sweet little Finny Boo Boo turned 1. He had some birthday cake, received a mountain of presents unwrapped by his helpful big sister, and started being extra clingy to his number one – MAMA. Finny and I spend a lot

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Newborn Sleep

Practicing Independent Sleep with your Newborn

Practicing Independent Sleep with your Newborn Once your baby is smiling in response to your loving face, it’s a big sign that they are becoming real smart real fast! This adorable sign usually emerges between 6-8 weeks from their estimated due date. Once you’re seeing smiles, it’s a good idea

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The End of Daylight Saving Time: Fall Back with Confidence

Daylight Saving Time is ending soon on Sunday, November 6 2022 at 2am. It means more sun in the morning, and more darkness in the evening. It means that suddenly, on Sunday morning, the clock will read one hour earlier than usual. It might feel like 7am when your children

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The Two to One Nap Transition

The Two to One Nap Transition The 2 to 1 nap transition is an exciting milestone! It reflects neurological growth, and brings new opportunities for adventures and activities not limited by the morning nap schedule. Here’s some helpful information for navigating this HUGE sleep transition. The typical time frame for

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Why I Became a Sleep Consultant

Why I Became a Sleep Consultant I love sleep! I’ve always loved sleep. I loved sleep as a kid, a teenager even, and more than ever now as a parent. There is nothing more satisfying than falling into a luxurious deep and blissful sleep at the end of a long

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Big Kid Sleep

Nightmares and Night Fears

Nightmares and Night Fears The thought of our children being scared at night is enough for some of us to call off the whole idea of healthy independent sleep and just want to hold them forever. The downside, however, is that the entire family would end up sleep deprived. No

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Road Trips and Baby Sleep

Road Trips and Baby Sleep If you are the parent of a strong independent sleeper, then it’s very unlikely that they will get much shut eye in the car unless they are crashing. I’m sorry – it’s one of the very few downsides of having a little sleeper who can

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Your Child’s Sleep Environment

Top 5 Healthy Sleep Tips for Babies, Toddlers, and Preschoolers

Ending the Never-Ending Bedtime Routine

The 1 Year Resurgence of Separation Anxiety

Practicing Independent Sleep with your Newborn

The End of Daylight Saving Time: Fall Back with Confidence

The Two to One Nap Transition

Why I Became a Sleep Consultant

Nightmares and Night Fears

Crib Climbing: Tips and Tricks

Transitioning to a Big Kid Bed

Too Early Risings

Creating Your Child’s Dark Sleep Environment

Newborn Sleep: 0-2 Months

Newborn Sleep: 2-4 Months

The Four Month Sleep Transition

Bedtime Routines

The No Nap Transition

Daycare and Your Child’s Sleep

Rolling and Your Baby’s Sleep

Your Baby’s Ideal Sleep Schedule: 5 Months Through 7-9 Months

Your Baby’s Ideal Sleep Schedule: 9 Months Through 15-18 Months

Your Child’s Ideal Sleep Schedule: 18 Months Through 3.5-5 Years

Gentle Sleep Training

Sibling Room Sharing and Sleep

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