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Big Kid Sleep

Ending the Never-Ending Bedtime Routine

Ending the Never-Ending Bedtime Routine Every parent of an older child knows how the bedtime routine can go from a quick 5-10 minute soothing sleep cue to a seemingly endless hour long saga of new nightly additions, one more book negotiations, and the long list of curtain calls. While every

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Big Kid Sleep

Nightmares and Night Fears

Nightmares and Night Fears The thought of our children being scared at night is enough for some of us to call off the whole idea of healthy independent sleep and just want to hold them forever. The downside, however, is that the entire family would end up sleep deprived. No

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Big Kid Sleep

Transitioning to a Big Kid Bed

Transitioning to a Big Kid Bed It’s finally time! It’s really exciting! First – make sure you’re not rushing into this transition for the wrong reasons. Here’s some helpful criteria to consider before rushing your child out of their crib. Signs Your Child is Ready for a Big Kid Bed:

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Big Kid Sleep

The No Nap Transition

The No Nap Transition It’s typical for children to stop needing daytime sleep between the ages of 3 and 5. This is a hugely exciting transition as they are growing into big kids who can tolerate so much more flexibility and the opportunity for easier day trips! There are ups

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Big Kid Sleep

Quiet Time

Quiet Time Quiet time is a fantastic way to keep your middle of the day parenting break even after naps are no longer biologically appropriate for your big kid. Most humans of all ages benefit from some rest time in the middle of the day, and it’s a great way

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Big Kid Sleep

Teaching Healthy Independent Sleep Skills to Big Kids

There are so many reasons why your big kid may need to learn or re-learn healthy independent sleep skills. Maybe room or bed sharing was working well for your family up until recently, or maybe your sleep trained baby turned into a big kid with big fears and unsustainable habits,

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Your Child’s Sleep Environment

Top 5 Healthy Sleep Tips for Babies, Toddlers, and Preschoolers

Ending the Never-Ending Bedtime Routine

The 1 Year Resurgence of Separation Anxiety

Practicing Independent Sleep with your Newborn

The End of Daylight Saving Time: Fall Back with Confidence

The Two to One Nap Transition

Why I Became a Sleep Consultant

Nightmares and Night Fears

Crib Climbing: Tips and Tricks

Transitioning to a Big Kid Bed

Too Early Risings

Creating Your Child’s Dark Sleep Environment

Newborn Sleep: 0-2 Months

Newborn Sleep: 2-4 Months

The Four Month Sleep Transition

Bedtime Routines

The No Nap Transition

Daycare and Your Child’s Sleep

Rolling and Your Baby’s Sleep

Your Baby’s Ideal Sleep Schedule: 5 Months Through 7-9 Months

Your Baby’s Ideal Sleep Schedule: 9 Months Through 15-18 Months

Your Child’s Ideal Sleep Schedule: 18 Months Through 3.5-5 Years

Gentle Sleep Training

Sibling Room Sharing and Sleep

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